Engagement Photoshoot/ Save the Dates!

October 29, 2019

Still can’t believe it! Save the dates are now sent out and we could not be more excited for September 25th, 2020. We had the pleasure of working with Sue, from I Do Invitations. I highly suggest using her for your save the dates and wedding invites. She made the whole process so smooth, and seamless!!

I got to choose everything from colors, font, and paper, to the details on the envelope! Everything is customizable to whatever you are looking for. Sue is super knowledgable in her field and her work is truly beautiful! I will show you more of the wedding invite process, as well as our invites when they are ready! Check out more of her work HERE!

Below are our Saves the Dates and I couldn’t be happier! I wanted clean, and bold, but also colors to hint the theme of our wedding (not yet revealed! eek!) and she brought the vision to life!

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